Machine Learning Engineer and Entrepreneur
Got my PhD in Theoretical Physics ( Impurity in Luttinger liquid, Decoherence in qubits) from the University of Birmingham, UK in 2005. Worked briefly as a postdoc researcher at the University of Birmingham (Decoherence and relaxation in qubits) and at Lancaster University, UK ( Photoemission in graphene).
In 2007 I left academia and co-founded a dating start-up ZeSecret in Santa Clara, California. I screwed this one up big time and in 2010 it had to be closed. Between 2011 and 2017 I did two online projects in Russia. The first one was in banking and it was successful to some degree, the other was in healthcare and it failed.
In 2017 I moved to Canada and switched from web to Machine Learning. I started self-teaching myself through online courses, personal projects, and contract work. My ultimate goal is to found a Machine Learning start-up that would grow to a decent size. Or bigger. I'm currently looking for ML start-up ideas while continuing to educate myself. My main focus is on transformers in various forms.
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